When OrdyxOne won´t execute from Windows

When OrdyxOne won´t execute from Windows

When OrdyxOne won´t execute from Windows

Version 1.1

In an scenario where the Ordyx executable doesn't open regardless of how many times you try to execute it with no duplicated processes there may be a conflict with the UAC (User Account Control) settings, when Windows doesn't recognize Ordyx as a known publisher the Windows Defender SmartScreen. "Windows protected your PC" will show up to alarm the user.

However, if User Account Control is completely disabled this pop up is not going to show up and the user will not be able to install the software since it cannot be opened. Seems like Windows Defender SmartScreen it is linked to User Account Control.

You can find User Account Control Setting in Control Panel/User Accounts/Change User Account Control Settings, remember that the view to see this panel must be in Small Icons



How to recognize the problem:

  • OrdyxOne executable does not open as if it was completely unresponsive.
  • There is no duplicated process for this executable.
  • User Account Control is completely disabled.
  • You can see a User Account Control settings process being triggered every time you try to execute the .exe, this process can duplicate.


  • Enable User Account Control to standard settings. 
  • Restart the machine.
  • Open the OrdyxOne executable and click on "More Info" then click on “Run Anyway"
  • Install OrdyxOne.
  • Change User Account Control Setting to Never notify and restart the machine.



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