Types of Online Ordering

Types of Online Ordering

Tonic offers three types of Online Ordering:

1. Directly through Tonic:

This can be enabled in the marketplace under 'Online Ordering.' This has a one time setup fee of $199.99 and a monthly fee of $50.00. They will need to create an account with authorize.net OR Stripe to setup their payments. This can be done by clicking on the Authorize.net or Stripe icons in the Marketplace. 

2. Online Ordering RestAPI (hereafter OLO RestAPI:
This version also has a one time setup fee of $199.99 and a monthly fee of $40.00. OLO RestAPI is a little more complex and requires someone who has worked with RestAPI or is familiar enough to program and code this. You will be provided with a sandbox which will look similar to our Back Office so you can make sure everything works and is reflecting on the site and sandbox. You will then need to be certified where we make sure everything works. The merchant processing for OLO RestAPI is (you) the customer's responsibility.

3. MenuDrive:
MenuDrive has a $30.00 monthly fee from Tonic along with whatever fees MenuDrive and the client agree on. You will need to either give MenuDrive access to your Back Office or tell them every menu, recipe, preparation, etc. If any changes are made in Back Office you will need to either call MenuDrive or login yourself to MenuDrive and make the changes. Everything needs to be EXACTLY how it is in Tonic. MenuDrive is a custom integration and DOES NOT use RestAPI.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact support via phone, email, or chat.

4. Chowly:

First, the customer needs to contact Chowly. (https://www.chowly.com/

Once they are done with the setup, Chowly will contact Tonic to activate and send the token number for the integration. 

Once that is completed the customer needs to go to Back Office > Marketplace > Online Ordering RestAPI  > Process the payment for the setup ($199.99) > Enable. 

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