Troubleshooting UDP issues

Troubleshooting UDP issues

Question or Problem: Lost of connectivity on Terminal(s) in the network.

Equipment or Software affected: Terminals in the network


UDP lets you send network packets. If a UDP packet you send gets dropped, you never find out about it and nobody will help you retry. It is important that the ordyx terminals are well connected, and the firewall settings are adjusted properly.


When attempting to troubleshoot a UDP issue it is important to note that all steps below should be performed on all terminals in the network. Due to the nature of UDP communication issues, any terminal on the network could be the cause.


  1. The most common causes of UDP issues on a network are the firewall being enabled or the exemption not being correctly added to windows defender. In order for the UDP connectivity issue to be resolved, it is important to disable the windows firewall and add an exemption for C:\restoware to Windows Defender.

  2. If both of the settings are correct from the previous step and the UDP is still unresolved, the next thing to look into is the physical network. Check that all terminals are properly plugged into the LAN. If a terminal is on another network the UDP will never resolve. In addition a device called a Sonicwall will cause connectivity issues and should be removed from the network if present.

  3. If the UDP issue still persists the next step is to look for a DNS Suffix issued from the Router on the network. This process is explained in the Article Disabling DNS Suffix located in the Knowledge Base.

We need to test whether UDP messages are coming in. If they are not, we need to test whether UDP in general is working. In order to do so, download the in each TS. Open the zip file in order to install the "MulticastTestTool.Net Lite" application.

Test Ordyx UDP:
Start the application and enter as the multicast address and 4426 as the port. Check the "Listen to inbound traffic" and press the Start button. You should see the count of incoming packets received increase. If it does not, press the Stop button and check both "Listen to inbound traffic" and "Generate outbound traffic", press Start, let the counters increment to about 20, press Stop, uncheck "Generate outbound traffic", press Start button.

Test UDP:
Exit the application in both terminals and restart it in order to use the default settings. Select "Generate ..." and "Listen ..." in one terminal while selecting only "Listen" on the other terminal. Press the Start button of the app on both terminals and see if the UDP generated by the one terminal is heard on both.
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