This button leads the user to several different functions
This allows the user to split an order and brings the user to a page where the user can select items and shift them to the new open order. The name of that new open order is the name as the original order with a “-1” after it. The user can split it further and it will be named “-2” and so on. The user can then select which open split the user wants on the screen by selecting it on the list of them on the right-hand side of the screen. This needs permission ***FOH ORDER SPLIT***. While on the split-screen, there is an option for Split by Seats and Split Item.
If the user wants to split the order by seats, as long as the items were assigned to the appropriate seat number, select the “Split by Seats” button. This will automatically create an order for each person with what they ordered. If the user wants to split an item, they select the item that is to be split. They then select the “Split Item” button and a window will pop up offering four options: 1, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4. This will split the item into whatever was chosen and create that many menu items with the price split evenly. The user then selects one of the split items and as above, uses the arrow keys to move it over to another order.
Allows the user to merge the open order with another order. This needs permission ***FOH ORDER MERGE***. To merge an order:
Print By Seats
This allows the user to print a ticket for each seat if things have been assigned to different seats. The order is not modified or split by this function. No permission is needed.
This allows the user to transfer an open order to another user. Orders with payments applied cannot be transferred. This needs the permission/s ***FOH ORDER TRANSFER*** ***FOH ORDER TRANSFER BY ATTENDANCE*** To transfer order to a different server: NOTE: For transfer by attendance to work properly, Job Title must be checked in the role/s.
1. Select the open order to be transferred
2. Select Tools
3. Select Transfer
4. In the window that will pop up, select the user the order is to be transferred to and it will be assigned to that person.
New Order
This button opens up a new order on that table. This requires the permission ***FOH ORDER NEW ORDER***
Assign Driver
This button allows the user to assign a delivery driver that has the permission ***FOH DELIVERY DRIVER*** but permission isn’t needed to assign the driver. This behaves like transferring an order except that it does keep track of the user that originally opened the order. Assigning a driver to a delivery order will transfer the responsibility for the payment to that delivery driver from the user that created the order. Once the delivery is taken to the customer and the driver returns, they are to log into a terminal and settle that order. They enter the payment, no matter the type, and close the order.
Search Bar Code
This button is for stores that use a bar code scanner. It allows the user to search for menu items by a bar code. No permission is needed.
Search Names
This button opens a window that will allow the user to search through all the menu items, active and inactive. The menu items can be searched by exact name or by a small section that is in the name. Using a single letter is not recommended because it will pull up more than just items with that letter.
One more way to activate a gift card. No permission is needed.
One more way to add or subtract from a customer account. No permission is needed.
Kitchen Instructions
When a user creates an order, these are special messages that can be sent to a certain printer for a customers’ order. To send a kitchen instruction, the user will need to select ‘Tools’, then ‘Kitchen Instructions’. The next window will list all the network printers for the location. Select the printer where the user would like the message to appear. Next, select the message, (Hold, Fire, Rush, To Go, Do Not Make). There is also a field to add a message or include it with the other pre-defined messages.
This will allow the customer to send Hold, Fire, Rush, Do Not Make, or Go to whichever printer or combination of printers the user select. The user can also add a message with the instruction and if the customer has courses turned on; the user can do instruction by course. No permission is needed.