Menu / Item / Sales Group

Menu / Item / Sales Group

What is an Item?
In Tonic, items are can be created and assigned to different areas of the store's menu. A item can be a Coca-Cola or a Chicken Penne Alfredo or a Heineken.

What is a Menu?
In Tonic, a menu is a grouping of items that fall into a similar category. For example, a Dinner Menu will house recipes that are usually consumed at dinner. A Drinks menu will likely have alcoholic beverages assorted by style and price.

What is a Sales Group?
The use of Sales Groups allows restaurants to maintain an organization to their items. A sales groups for “Drinks” can include all beverages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic. A Food sales group can include breakfast items, entrees, desserts, etc. A store may choose to make as many sales groups as they wish according to their specifications. For Ordyx purposes, at least 1 sales group can be created allowing recipes to be grouped in a category.

How to create an Item
In Back Office, a user would hover to the “Menu” section and then select “Items.” Once here, the page will say “Items” and directly below there will be a “+” sign. Select the “+” sign and it will direct you to the page to name and classify an item. The Name will be how the item appears in Back Office. The “Announcer Name” will be how the menu item will appear as on the KVD and the printers. If you want it to be the same as the item name, just leave announcer name blank and it will auto-populate. Sales Group would be where the item will be grouped (drinks, food, liquor, etc). A description is optional, but a user can choose to describe the dish or its preoaration in that section.
Optional additions for items:
The availability section would be used for stores using our Inventory Module. The Prep-time section would be for stores using KVD's and bumpbars. The “Loyalty points Earned” and “Loyalty Points Needed” sections are for customers using our Customer Accounts module. A “Barcode” can be added for stores using a bar code scanner.
Once a user creates a Name, Announcer Name, and assigns a Sales Group, the user should select the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen. At this moment, an item has been created.

How to create a Sales Group?
In Back Office, a user should navigate towards the Menu drop down box and select “Sales Group”. User should select the “+” sign below the header and it will bring them to a page where they can name a sales group. Once the user decides on a name, the Parent section would be the larger grouping of items. For example, if a user is creating a Sales Group named “Happy Hour Desserts” the parent group would be “food” as these are food items. The description is optional, and the user can describe the new sales group if they wish. Once done, the user should select the “save” button on the bottom right, and this will save the newly created Sales Group.

How to create a Menu?
Also in Back Office, a user should hover to the Menus drop down box and select “Menus”, on the next page the “+” sign will be located directly below the “Menus” header. The user will have the option to create a name for the Menu (which will appear the same on the terminal and Back Office) and an optional description and then the user would select “Save” on the bottom right.

How to assign Items to Menus?
As mentioned above, once an item is created (after selecting the “save” button), a series of options will appear: Ingredients, Modifiers, Printers, Menus. To properly assign an item to a menu, the user would select the “Menus” button and they will be granted the option to select the menu they want to link the item to. They will also be able to include a price at this stage. Once a menu is selected and a price (or 0.00 if it's a price-less item), the user would select “Save” on the right side. Once done, user can select “Close” at the top right of the window. The page will direct back to the item screen and if the user selects “Save” on the bottom left, the Menus option will have a (1) indicating that the item is currently assigned to a menu.

How to assign an item to a Printer?
In order to ensure that Ordyx orders are printing at their designated areas, each item should be assigned to a printer. To do this, the user would need Back Office access. Once logged in, the user would go to the Menu's section and the user can either select the item option or the Menu option to locate an item. If the user selects “Item” then they would need to specify the Sales Group that is assigned to the item. For example, if a user is searching for a Hot Dog item, they would select the “Food” sales group and Ordyx will display all items categorized under “Food.” Once the user locates the item of their choice, they should scroll to the bottom of the page where they will see “Printers.” If the user selects this, it will display a drop down menu with all printers in the store. They should select the printer where they want the item to be printed. For example, a Mojito item should be assigned to the Bar printer.
If a user is searching for an item from Menus, they should select the Menu where the item is located (If it's an appetizer it will likely be in the Appetizer or Starter menu). Once the item is selected, the steps to assign a printer are the same.

What is a Modifier?
For most restaurants, a Modifier can be seen as any optional change to a dish. For example, a modifier for fish could be: Grilled, Blackened, Add lime, no salt, extra pepper, etc. Therefore, Ordyx allows users to create endless modifications for dishes and drinks to ensure consumer's satisfaction. To create a Modifier group, a user should log into Back Office then select the Menu toolbar and then “Modifier Groups” the “+” sign directly below the header will allow the user to create a Mod group. The Modifier Groups can be created to fulfill the needs of each store, therefore a user should decide how and how not to modify dishes. For example, if a store cooks Meat dishes, there should be a modifier group for Temperature, Sauce/No Sauce, Rare/Med/Well, etc. Ordyx allows users the flexibility to create as many modifier groups as they may need. The customer will then need to creat modifier choices that can be added to the modifier group. So for Meat Temp, the choices would be rare, medium rare, and so on.

How to assign a Modifier Group to a recipe?
As mentioned above, when a user creates a item, the bottom of the screen will give several options. Modifiers is one of them. If the user selects “Modifiers” (after locating the item... refer above for instructions), a drop down menu will display all Modifier Groups created for that store. They should select the Modifier of their choice and then select “Add.” For example, for a Bloody Mary, the user should select a Liquor Mod mod group or even a Bloody Mary mod group). The “required” field means that a user would have to select whether or not they want to modify the item before they can place the order. This features ensures that restaurants are checking meat temperature or modifying items correctly.

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