Terminal Settings Explained

Terminal Settings Explained

Terminal Settings


Session Timeout (secs): You can select the Timeout seconds, how fast the screen locks after no one is using it.

Order Auto Refresh (secs): You can select the seconds an Order will refresh on the system.

Startup Email: Sends Ordyx an email when a terminal is started.

One-Touch Login: When Assigned to a Cash Drawer on that terminal. Users can log in with one touch.

Allow Keyboard Typing: This allows for the keyboard to pop up on the terminal.

Cash Drawer:

Cash Drawer Limit: Set the maximum amount of money the cash drawer for this terminal can hold. 

Cash Drawer Limit Warning: The amount of money that triggers a warning stating the cash drawer is near max capacity.

Caller ID:

Caller ID Monitor: This terminal will monitor the state of the Caller ID.

Caller ID Pop Up: This terminal will have the Caller ID information pop up on the screen when there is an incoming call.


Quick Sale:

Disable QS: This will disable QS for the store.

Order Type: This allows you to select the order type that Quick Sale will default to.

Max Digits: This is the Prefix to the Quick Sale Name.

One Order at a Time: Does not open another QS order after send.

Counter Reset at Closing: Reset the Quick Sale counter for the next batch.

Auto Close: Close an order automatically after it has a payment applied.

Cash Auto Close: Close an order automatically when it’s paid with cash.

Prompt Name: Prompt the user to enter a name for the QS order.

Show Quick Sale Total Button: Shows the yellow total button at the bottom left of the screen.

Do Not Print Customer Receipt: Disables the customer receipt.

Store: Overrides all order types to be Quick Sale.


Options to select the Button size, the Split window position, and the size of the floating order width and height. These settings can make things larger or smaller on the FOH terminal based upon the customers needs. Support will need to make the change and confirm with the customer that everything is as they would like it to be. Keep in mind that the number entered between the parentheses is the default parameter. The following can be adjusted: 


Min Button Height (40):

Min Button Height for Order Detail (40):

Menu Bar Rows (2):

QS Bar Rows (1):

Zone Buttons Cols (8):


Split Pane Pos (45):

Main Split Pane Pos (Split Pane Pos): 

Payment Dtl Split Pane Pos (30):

Table Layout:

Floating Order Width (20):

Floating Order Height (20):

Table Layout Scale X (%):

Table Layout Scale Y (%):


Here you can adjust the Font size and BOLD on many parts of the user interface. This works the same as UI because support must make the changes live with the customer to confirm correctness. You can adjust the font for the following:

System Button

Status Bar


Small Keyboard


Large Font


Menu Bar

Control Info

Order List

Order Detail


Payment Detail


KVD Status

KVD Order

KVD Order Header

Secondary Order Details

Secondary Order Details Total

Secondary Order Details Amount Due



Language (US): Available in English, Spanish, Italian, and Turkish.

Receipt Language (US): Available in English, Spanish, Italian, and Turkish.

Display Pole Language (US): Available in English, Spanish, Italian, and Turkish.

Announcer Language (US): Available in English, Spanish, Italian, and Turkish.

Short Date Format: yyyyMMdd = 20010101 OR yyyy-MM-dd = 2001-01-01.

Date Format: yyyyMMdd = 20010101 OR yyyy-MM-dd = 2001-01-01.

Time Format: HH:MM = 15:14 HH:mm:ss = 15:14:00.



Printer Connection Type: How the printer is connected to the terminal.

Printer URL: For Ethernet printers this field takes the IP address. For Com/Parallel printers this field takes the port number and baud rate. For USB printers this field can be left blank as it will be filled with the name of the printer once it’s configured.

Chars Per Line (42): Characters per one print line.

Chars Per Line Small (56): Characters per one print line.

Trailing Blank Lines (0): These are blank lines at the bottom of the receipt.

Bold Double Width Support Only: Double width = one letter takes up two spaces. NOTE: Star printers typically don’t support double width.

Card Reader:


Type: Keyboard Wedge, IDTech, MagTek.

Connection Type: Com or Keyboard Wedge.

Barcode Reader: 


Type: Keyboard Wedge

Format: Ordyx supports having price and weight embedded in the barcode. (The 2 is the leading digit on the barcode scanner we have set up. The “N” represents the product code. The “$” represent the price. The “X” represents the characters we are telling the barcode scanner to disregard.

Options Prefix and Suffix should be configured with 00 when it is IOs

Scale: represents


Protocol Type: ECR or NCI. How the scale communicates with the POS.

Connection Type: The scales may only be connected via a COM port.

URL: Which COM port it’s connected to.

Unit: What unit of measure the scale will be using.

Decimal Points: How many decimal point spaces should be available.

Manual: Manual or automatic entries on the scale.


Protocol Type: ESC/POS or PTC. How the display communicates with the POS.

Connection Type: Com, LDP, LPT, USB, or TCP/IP. 

URL: IP address or the port it’s connected to.

Number of Columns (default 20): 

Greeting Line 1: 

Greeting Line 2: 



Mode: Order Grid or Line Item. This changes how the orders/items appear on the KVD screen.

Cols: How many columns the KVD should have.

Rows: How many rows the KVD should have.

Rush Timeout (ms): This setting causes the order to start blinking blue once the time set here is reached.

Show Dependencies: Show items dependent on other items.

Beep on New Order: Self-explanatory.

Prep Status: This will cause an Order or line item to start blinking blue on the KVD when the bump is pressed once. This means the item is being prepared. When bump is selected again, it will bump the item. This is useful for Kitchen and Expo teams.

Ignore Hold: Self-explanatory.

New Item New Cell: Self-explanatory.


Bump Bar Type: Logic Controls, TG3 20 key, or QSR.

Show Bump Bar: Self-explanatory.

Bump on Touch: Self-explanatory.

Bump When Ready Only: Enable the 'Bump Ready Items Only' option in the KVD settings. On the KVD Line Grid type, which depends on another KVD, it should allow bumping the items that are ready. On the KVD Order Grid, the bumped item should be marked in green.

Bump Ready Items Only: Self-explanatory.

Print on Bump: Self-explanatory.

Move Order When Ready: Self-explanatory.

Selection Bumping Show Order Name: Self-explanatory, this option it works only for Line Item

Selection FIFO: first in first out (selects everything above).


Hide Bumped Items: Self-explanatory.

Hide Amount: Self-explanatory. Only works in Order Grid

Secondary Order Details: 

Enabled: This allows you to have a customer display that can show order details to the customer while the user is entering their order into the POS terminal.

Width: Width of the Secondary Order Details.

Height: Height of the Secondary Order Details. 

Top Left URL: This is meant for showing an advertisement.

Right URL: This is meant for showing an advertisement.

Bottom URL: This is meant for showing an advertisement.



This area deals with the communication settings for Ordyx over the internet. We leave these fields blank so they maintain their default time. This view is only available to support.

Connect Timeout (ms): 

Payment Connect Timeout (ms):

Printer Connect Timeout (ms):

Read Timeout (ms):

Long Read Timeout (ms):

StoreHandler Read Timeout (ms, defaults to read timeout)

MenuHandler Read Timeout(ms, defaults to read timeout)

OrderHandler Read Timeout(ms, defaults to read timeout)

Printer Read Timeout (ms):


Ignore invalid IP on TS: This setting is unchecked by default. If this setting was checked, the terminals would not report a UDP issue if one of the terminals was on a different range from the local network. 

Print Fiscal Printer:


Connection Type: Connection of their government provided Fiscal Printer.

URL: Port or IP address of the printer.

Tax Adjustment Method: Government adjusted?

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