Store Settings Explained

Store Settings Explained

Store Settings


Order Types:

Take Out: Enable Take Out order type.

Delivery: Enable the Delivery order type (only if they have customer accounts enabled).

Dine-In: Enable Dine-In order type.

Banquet: Enable Banquet order type.

Room Service: Enable Room Service order type.

Beverage Cart: Enable Beverage Cart order type.

Tournament: Enable Tournament order type.

Refund: Enable Refund order type. (This order type allow users do a customer refund)

Drive-Thru: Enable Drive-Thru order type. (This order type offer two options New & Pay. When “New” is selected, it creates a new order & “Pay” is selected it open the Drive-Thru orders in the order that they were created to be paid)

Catering: Enable the Catering order type (Does not require Customer Accounts to use).

Pick Up: Enable Pick Up order type.

Retail: Enable Retail order type.

(These only appear when the customer has online ordering enabled)

Online Take Out: Enable Online Take Out.

Online Delivery: Enable Online Delivery (requires customer accounts).

Online Banquet: Enable Online Banquet.

Online Catering: Enable Online Catering (does not require customer accounts but can prompt for customer).

Online Pick Up: Enable Online Pick Up.

Online Dine-In: Enable Online Dine-In (the customer will have to decide how they handle it).


Prompt for Complimentary: Enable prompt for comment when applying a complementary.

Prompt for Discount: Enable prompt for comment when applying a discount.

Main Selection Voids: Enable prompt for comment when removing a recipe from the order that was already sent.

Side Selection Voids: Enable prompt for comment when removing a side from the order that was already sent.

Preparation Voids: Enable prompt for comment when removing a preparation with a charge from the order that was already sent. (This doesn't affect any free or without price preparations)

Addl Ingreds Voids: These are ingredients added to a menu section. Imagine chicken added to a caesar salad. This is not a recipe, it is an ingredient and thusly requires the inventory module.

Enforce Comments: Enable the option to force users to type a comment when doing anything of the above.


Auto Close: Close an order automatically after it has a payment applied.

Cash Auto Close: Close an order automatically when it’s paid with cash.

Auto Close Do Not Confirm: To avoid the message are you sure you want to close this order. 

Cash Auto Close Do Not Confirm:  To avoid the message are you sure you want to close this order after taking a cash payment. 

Show Total Button: Enable the “Total” Button to show on all order types. (QS orders have this button enabled by default. This button also can be used as a “Send & Stay” option where the users can add a recipe and press “Total” to send the recipe to the kitchen or bar and stay on the order).

Do not send on Pay: QS environment: It handles multiple orders, multiple people, multiple payments on one Ordyx order. Imagine grabbing the piece of plastic listing “5” once you have paid at the front counter of a restaurant. You now take that “5” back with you to the table so your party can be identified.

Cancel Order Confirm: Enable a confirmation “Are you sure you want to cancel this order?” message before you cancel an order.

Use duplicate for selection quantity increase: Rather than increasing the number of the exact item ordered it duplicates it on the same order. This can be useful for customers that use seat view for orders.

Create Order For Zero Deposit: Zero deposit added to a customer account, it will show in Back Office and open an order with the zero deposit.

Tax Override (All or nothing): Certain items in Ordyx aren’t taxed. If this is enabled and one item on the order is taxed, then all items on the order will be taxed for all tax varieties.

Disable Open Comp Button: Disables the Open complementary button that allows users to input any % amount.

Confirm Catering Address: A prompt for the user to confirm the catering address.

Fire/Hold: This enable the Fire/Hold option (this option can't be disabled if “Future Orders” is enabled).

Show Amount Due Only: “Only Show Total and Not Individual Prices.”

Table start #: The number your tables start at in the store.

Future Orders:

Future Orders: This enables the future order option.

Future Order Min Deposit Percentage: This sets the minimum deposit % that the customer must pay before the future order is created.

Future Order Default Prep Time: This setting is used by the kitchen to start the order before it would be time for the customer to retrieve their order.


Payment Types:

Cash: Enable this payment type.

Credit: Enable this payment type.

Debit: Enable this payment type.

Gift: Enable this payment type.

Coupon: Enable this payment type.

Check: Enable this payment type.

Bill: Enable this payment type.

External Credit: Enable this payment type. 

External Debit: Enable this payment type.

Tab: Enable this payment type.

External Gift: Enable this payment type.

Room Charge: Enable this payment type.

Other: Enable this payment type.

Online Credit: Enable this payment type.


Tab Pre-Auth: The sum the customer would like to reserve on all tab transactions.

Use Bill as Tab: Enabling this allows for Bill to tender more than the sum that is due.

Tab Funds Threshold(%): Threshold means it will not process, this is a % of the pre-auth.

Tab Funds Warning(%): Warning means it will show a warning prompt but still process, this is a % of the pre-auth.

Prompt for Tab or Close during auto process swipe: While under an open order, if the user swipes a card, this setting prompts for tab or close order. This setting will not work without the setting “Automatically process swipe.”

Credit Cards:

Credit Card Discount Rate: % of a user’s tips; it will show in the user’s cash out.

Credit Card Surcharge Flat Fee: They can add a set amount for customers paying with credit cards.

Credit Card Surcharge Percentage: They can charge a % for customers that are paying with credit cards.

Surcharge Label: This is how the surcharge will appear on the receipt.

Security Code Mandatory: The system will prompt the user to enter the security code.

Automatically process swipe: Swiping a card while an order is open will pay the order.

Prompt for last 4 digits: Prompt user to enter in the last 4 digits of the card.

External Credit Processing: This setting allows credit to be processed while bypassing the current VAR sheet.

AVS Zip Only Support: Requires the user to enter in the zip code associated with the card.

Online Credit Card:

Credit Card Discount Rate: % of a user’s tips; it will show in the user’s cash out.

Debit Cards: % of a user’s tips; it will show in the user’s cash out.


Default payment type selected: This dropdown box allows you to select the first payment type that will pop up when the staff hit “Pay.”

Don’t Show Approval: If this setting was checked, it would show the approval number on the terminal once the card was swiped.

Payments by Order Creator: Payments are applied to the order by the order creator otherwise the person paying would get the tip.

Process Cash Buttons Immediately: The cash amount buttons under pay > cash will process that sum as soon as it is selected.



Gratuity: This enables the option to add gratuity to orders. There are two settings for automatically adding gratuity:

➔ Amount: You can setup a percentage amount or a dollar amount.

➔ Seats: You can set a minimum seats or a minimum dollar amount.

Gratuity Label: This allows you to set a custom gratuity label.

Print Gratuity Percentage: This enables the option to print the gratuity percentage on the receipt.

Print Addl Tip for Tip when Gratuity: This enables the extra line on the payment receipt for additional tips.


Charge: This is the base amount to be paid for delivery.

Label: This is how it will show on the receipt.

Minimum Order Total: This is the price point at which the customer can get delivery.

Payout Delivery: This pays out the delivery charges to the drivers.

Tip Pooling:

Tip Pool Time Based: This Tip Pooling method is based on time rather than performance.

Gratuity and Tip by Selection Creator: The user that added an item to the order gets that percentage of tip. Imagine Server 1 entered 80$ worth of items and Server 2 entered 20$ worth of items. Server 1 gets 80% and Server 2 gets 20%.

Tip Guide:

This section provides you with the ability to put a tip guide on the customer receipt as well as the FOH terminal payment screen.

%for Validation: Tip percentage that needs to be validated by a manager.

% for Threshold: This tip will be denied.


Allow Cash Tips: We track the cash tips reported, the cash gratuity, and cash outs paid on payroll.

Calculate Tip and Gratuity After Tax: Calculates the amount after tax is applied to the total.

Calculate Tip and Gratuity Before Comp and Discount: Calculates the amount before Comp/Discount is applied to the total.

Process Tip and Gratuity through Petty Cash: Self-explanatory.

Process Tip and Gratuity through Petty Cash and open drawer: Self-explanatory.

Tip Out Percentage Validation: Denies the user if the tip out percentage is more than their total collected tips. The override is permission based.

Print Tip Line on Order Receipt: This is for EMV since tip adjust is no longer EMV.

Disable Tip Out when reporting tips: Report tips when clocking out will be greyed out.

Pay Out Non Cash Tips on : This option allows you to tip out your wait staff every night or deposit their tips in their payroll check.


Cash In/Out:

Show sales on user cash out report: This setting shows the sales for the user on their cash out receipt.

Non Cash Payment Summary on user cash out reports: This setting shows all non cash payments on the user cash out receipt.

Generate Cash In/Out Deposit: This is displayed at the bottom of the store closing receipt.

Show indirect tip guide: % to pay busboy - bartenders.

Show Zeroed Orders at User Cash Out: This setting shows the orders that were zeroed on the user cash out receipt.

Cash Handling Mode:

➔ Cash Handling Enforce Cash In On Cash Drawer (Default):  If there is a cash drawer, the system will prompt and force the user to cash themselves into the cash drawer and will assume the server is putting the money inside of the cash drawer. If there is no cash drawer, the system will not prompt the server to cash in and will assume the server is keeping the cash on them (server bank).

➔ Cash Handling On Cash Drawer Only: On this mode, the system will only allow servers to take cash payments on terminals with a cash drawer. NOTE:  There is never a server bank on this Cash Handling mode.

➔ Cash Handling No Restrictions: This mode allows servers to take cash payments on terminals with a cash drawer without cashing into it, as well as taking cash payments on terminals without a cash drawer.

Cash Drawers:

Allow Remote Cash Drawer Management(Dev Setting): Shows all the cash drawers for the store, even if they aren’t linked to the terminal the user is on. This allows the to cash out all of the drawers if there was an issue. The drawers will not open.

Cash Out at Closing: Cash out all of the active drawers before closing the store.

Cash Out Drawer Recover Shortage: If the cash drawer reports a shortage

Drawer Print Detailed Report: All payments are displayed, there will be a * next to tips, lists ALL payments.

Check No Sale Permission: This setting checks the current user’s permissions for the ability to open the cash drawer.

Mismatch Allowed: Allow mismatch of calculated Cash Drawer funds and current Cash Drawer funds.

Overage Label: How the cash drawer cash out receipt will display the overage on the drawer.


User Cash Outs: If this setting is unchecked, there are no cash outs. You must also remove the permission to report tips. Typically used in Take-Out predominant stores.

Show Sales Total: Shows Gross, net, comps, discounts, total orders, seats, and tax. Shows on close store report. 

Show Zeroed Orders at User Cash Out: Any order that was voided will show on the user’s cash out.

Show Cash Out Total on Deposit Report: User cash outs not done through the drawer will still show on the deposit report.

Auto generate petty cash for user cash out: When a user is cashed out, the money is automatically debited or credited from the cash drawer. The drawer will open and money will be taken out or put in the cash drawer. This method can only work on a terminal with a cash drawer.

Print Detailed Report: This setting will print a more detailed report that shows order breakdowns rather than a summary.

Round Cash Due: This allows the store/employee to just round out the change and pay each other in whole bills.

Ignore Not Enough Funds: This setting allows the user to cash out of the cash drawer even though it doesn’t have enough funds available.

Self Clock Out: Cashing Out Self, also Clocks Out Self.

Cash Out Drawer: If Last User is Cashed Out, the Drawer also Cashes Out.


Cash In Drawer Through The Safe: Self-explanatory.

Cash Out Drawer Through The Safe: Self-explanatory.

User Cash Out Through The Safe: Self-explanatory.

Round on Cash Settings:

Round on Cash Settings: Round on Cash.



Cash Receipt: Print a receipt for orders paid with cash.

Tip Adjust Receipts: Reprints the payment receipt when tip adjusted.

Print Interim Deposit Receipt Copy: If an interim deposit has been made, this will print a receipt copy of it.

Order Close Receipt: This will print a summary of the order once it has been closed.

Print Petty Cash Receipt: This will print a receipt slip of a petty cash transaction. 


Prompt For Payment Receipt: All payment types.

Prompt For Directions On Receipt: This setting will print the directions to the destination on the receipt.

Prompt For Cash Payment Receipt: This setting will prompt the user if they would like the cash receipt.

Tip Guide:

Tip Guide: Show the tip guide on the receipt (There is also the option to set it to bold, choose the font, and enter a title).

Split Guide:

Split Guide: Show the split guide on the receipt (There is also the option to set it to bold, choose the font, and enter a title).


Here you can enter in a header that will be placed at the top of the receipt under the store logo.


Here you can enter in a footer that will be placed at the very bottom of the receipt.

Store Donation Title: Self-explanatory.

Print Footer On Payments: This setting prints the footer on payment receipt copies.


Priced Items Only: Print priced items only on the receipts.

Main Items Only: Print the main items on orders and not preps.

Do not Print on Hold Orders: This settings doesn’t print receipt slips for items that have been put on hold. The receipt will print when the item is fired.

Hide Bar Code: This setting will remove the barcode from the receipt.

Sum Taxes: Instead of listing them as line items, it groups them.

Print Barcode on Payment Receipt: Prints the barcode on the receipt given to the customer.

Hide Combo Items: This will hide combo items on the receipt. It will only show the main combo name.

Hide Customer Account Balance: Self-explanatory.

Hide Tax Rate: Self-explanatory.

Print Customer Copy Signature Line: Self-explanatory.

Print Customer Copy Order Details: Combines the receipts. The payment receipt will include the line items ordered.

Print Comp Total Only: Prints the total of comped items rather than breaking it down individually.

Printer Order Name Large: This prints the order name large at the top of the receipt.

Print Comp Percentage Only: This prints the percentage in comps received on the order.

Print Receipt Header on Payment Receipt: Self-explanatory.

Print Loyalty Promotions on Receipt: Self-explanatory. 

Print Order Aggregate Items: Prints everything grouped. For example:

2 - Cokes (aggregate)


1 - Coke (non-aggregate)

1 - Coke

Print Order Tax Inclusive: Tax is included in each item and moved to the bottom area of the receipt.

Do Not Print Merchant Copy For Payments Under: Self-explanatory.


Total Sales Report:

This tab allows you to select reports that will print out from the receipt printer once the store is closed. The available reports are:

  • Shifts on Close Report

  • Complimentary

  • Deposits

  • Discounts

  • Group Sales By Area

  • Items Sold

  • Loyalty Summary

  • Misc.

  • Orders

  • Payments

  • Payments Summary

  • Sales

  • Sales By Area

  • Sales By Group

  • Sales By Group After Comp

  • Stats

  • Taxes

  • Taxes (Exempt)


Course View: 

This enables the course view feature, so users can select the course when adding items to the order.

Seat View: 

This feature that allows the user to assign seats to the items added to the order.

Manually Set Seats for Seat View: Enter in the amount of seats after tapping a table for Dine-in.

Force Set Seats: This setting forces the user to enter an amount of seats for a Dine-in Order.

Force Set Seats and Auto Submit: Just a number pad for the amount of seats. No order name.

Take Out Set Seats: This forces the user to set a number of seats for Take Out orders.

Delivery Set Seats: This forces the user to set a number of seats for Delivery orders.

Ignore Seats on Customer Receipts: This settings will not display the seat view on the customer receipt.

Receipt Group Totals Seat View: Sales Group Summary per Seat.

Excessive Seats Threshold: This is the seat limit that when a user enters more when initially creating an order it will stop them.

Views Table:

Table Info View: 

This change the info that shows on the table layout. We have 3


➔ Standard: Shows order name, time worked, order amount & seat count.

➔ Less Info: Shows order name only.

➔ More Info: Shows server name, order name, time worked, order amount & seat count.


Show Quantity Buttons: When enabled this will show quantity buttons above the recipes in a menu section.

Show selection quantity button: This will show the quantity button once an item that has already been added to an order is selected.

Show Modifiers: This shows modifiers on the FOH terminal orders screen.

Auto Apply Sides: This will automatically apply the sides available for this menu to the order.

Auto Apply Sides After Each Selection: This will automatically apply the sides available for this menu to the order.

Allow price increase on order level (on Touchscreen): Add a percentage to each item in an order.

Allow selection multiplier: This setting allows for the customer to sell portions of items. (½, ¼, etc.)

Pro-rate Time Based Items: For things that are rented for a period of time (like pool tables) customers can set time based things and pro-rate them.


Show tip column in order list: This will enable the tip column in the order list that shows a green check mark if the order has a tip, “N/A” if no tips can be added, or nothing if no tip was added.

Show delivery orders in reverse order in order list: Self-explanatory.

Show Uncleared Orders: This will show orders that have been paid but have not been closed.

Show Closed Orders: This enable the option to show closed orders under the order list.

Age Verification: This is the age that will show on the FOH login screen for age verification.


Auto Sort Items: This option allow you to change the order of the recipes on the menus alphabetically ascending, descending, or none which will allow you to organize any way you want.

Auto Sort ShortCuts: This option allow you to change the order of the shortcuts on the menus alphabetically ascending, descending or none.


Menu Shortcuts Button Layout: Display the menu shortcuts horizontally or vertically. 

Menu Order Types: Associates menus to order types.



Show combo name: This enables the option to print the combo name when sending the order to the remote printers.

Show absolute quantities for combo items: This will show the exact amount of items that are part of a combo.

Show all combo items even if items don't belong to announcer: This will print the combo item even if it is not mapped to the printer.

Show recipe description: Shows the recipe description if applicable.

Hide deleted items: Any item deleted from the order will be greyed out.

Ignore seat change: If the seat is changed, it does not resend the order.

Ignore course change: If the course is changed, it does not resend the order.

Set hold based on prep times: If the customer has prep times on their recipes they can use this feature to control their fire/hold.

Disable timed hold: Self-explanatory.

Hold default (Milliseconds): This setting will default all items from infinite hold to the time entered here.




Connection Type: This is the connection type of the caller ID (COM or UDP “Ethernet”)

URL: This is the URL of the connection type. (For COM it is the port number and for UDP “Ethernet” is always by default 3520)

Host: Ordyx Terminal that will handle the caller ID (For “COM” connection type the host has to be the terminal that the caller ID is connected to and for “UDP” it can be any terminal)

Port (default=4450): This is the default port for the caller id. If this setting is left blank it will be set to port 4450.

Number of Lines: Number of lines that the store will use for caller ID (this number does include rollover lines).

Debug: This option will add the caller ID logs to the terminal logs for troubleshooting.


Session Timeouts:

Terminal Session Timeout (in seconds): This is the time that takes for the FOH terminal to logout a user depending on what screen they are viewing.

Web Session Timeout (in seconds): This is the time that takes for the BOH

( to logout a user.

Room Number:

Room Number AlphaNumeric:

Room Number Confirm Folio: 


Demo Mode: Enabling this setting allows for terminals to be placed in Demo Mode.

IP of router default: This field does not autofill. You can enter in the default gateway if you like.

Time Based Items: Enabling this setting allows for some recipes to be time based (Pool Tables).

Bar Code: This enables the option to use bar codes on Ordyx.

Barcode Search Disabled Menus: Self-explanatory.

Room Charge Send Groups: Sends Sales Group totals to the Property Management System. For example: Food - $200, Beverage - $150, etc.

Display Settings:

Display Greeting Line 1: The top line of a Customer Display.

Display Greeting Line 2: The bottom line of a Customer Display.

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