

This section brings up a list of all of the terminals and Apple devices that are provisioned. It can be filtered by area with the dropdown menu. The customers can see the list, number, ID, Area, the CD count and which CD it is and the last time the terminal refreshed. Support can also filter by the enabled and disabled terminals and see the Network Name, the Disabled info and any info provided.

Terminal Setting Tabs:

1. General Tab

You can select the Timeout seconds, how fast the screen locks after no one is using it

You can select the seconds a Order will refresh on the system.

You can check off if the terminal has a cash drawer and if you want the drawer to open after each payment

You can set the Cash Drawer Limit and a Warning Limit for the Cash Drawer relating to the

amount of money that is in it.

If the terminal has a Caller ID monitor or Caller ID Pop up it has this option to check as well.

Allow close payment terminal with open orders: If enabled store will be able to close PT having open orders. This it's useful for stores that close their PT at different times during the day. 

Cash In/Out
Do not verify synchronization when cashing out: If enabled will allow the store to cash out CD even if the terminals are having communication issues with each other. 

To enable these settings we need to understand why the customer wants to have it enabled and add all these details to the ticket. 

2. Orders Tab

Quick sale options to select default QS order type that comes up.

You can also select the following options to be On or Off...

One Order at a Time

Counter Reset at Closing

Auto Close

Cash Auto Close

Prompt Name

Show Quick Sale Total Button

Do Not Print Customer Receipt

3. UI Tab

Options to select the Button size, the Split window position, and the size of the floating order width and height. These are all used for adjusting cosmetics for the UI.

4. Font Tab

Here you can adjust the Font size and and BOLD on many parts of the user interface on the screen. You can adjust the Font for the following...

System Button
Status Bar
Small Keyboard
Large Font
Menu Bar
Control Info
Order List
Order Detail
Payment Detail
KVD Status
KVD Order
KVD Order Header
Secondary Order Details
Secondary Order Details Total
Secondary Order Details Amount Due

5. Locale Tab

This tab is used to change the language of what's on the screen, receipt language, announcer language, and can also change the Date and Time Format.

6. Printer Tab

You can select the Printer Connection Type and also the Printer URL

7. Card Reader Tab

To select the type of Card Reader and Connection Type of Card Reader.

Card readers have to be Keyboard Wedge Compatible.

8. Bar Cod Reader Tab

9. Scale Tabe

10. Display Tab

11. KVD Tab

12. Secondary Order Details

13. TCPIP Tab

Here you can select the desired time for the Terminal Connect Timeout in (ms) and also the Payment Connect Timeout and Printer Connect Timeout. How long it will try to establish a connection before it times out.

14. Printf Fiscal Printer Tab

Terminals- This is the device used to complete all transactions (monetary, placing orders, reserving tables, staff support, etc) in the restaurant.

Terminal Re-Install:
There is a $50.00 fee for this service where Ordyx is reinstalled on the Terminal.

Terminal Provision:
There is a $399.99 fee for provisioning or allowing the installation of a new terminal.

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