


This is the first page the user is brought to under the Setup tab. It gives the general store info:

• Name
• Website (if they have one)
• Description
• Address
• Phone and Fax numbers
• Facebook URL, Page ID and App ID
Those are all that the customer can see. We can also see:
• Time Zone
• Default Currency
• Language
• Receipt Language
• Display Language
• Announcer Language
• ISP, ISP Device
• ISP Gateway
• Router
• Router Gateway
• General Support Messages
When the user changes anything here, they must select save. There are also other features found here. The “Settings” button leads to a list of different setting options the customer can see. Tip, Gratuity, Delivery, Age Verification, Receipt info, Cash Management, Credit Card Discount Rate, Menus, Total Sales Reports, Support Calls and Session Timeouts. We can also see the QS Default. Again, any changes made here needs to have “Save” selected. In the Store section is also where the Store ID is located. This the numbers at the end of the URL in the address bar. Also the Store Password is found by selecting the Password button under the name. This password is always case sensitive.

Ordyx has implemented a new monthly payment system designed to let users have more control and accessibility with their monthly payments. A Credit Card or Bank Account must be entered into back office (details on how-to below). When a user needs to re-install a terminal, install a new terminal, enable any module, or change the VAR sheet on the account, they can choose to use the payment information on file so they do not need to re-enter.

To enter a Credit Card into Ordyx for monthly payments, the user must log into back office, navigate to the "Setup" tab, select "Store" and then select "Manage Payment Methods" on the bottom of the page.

A new window will open where the user will have the option to "Add a New Payment Method"

Once selected, the user will have the option to enter Credit Card or Bank Account information.

Be sure to hit the "Save" button on the bottom of the page.
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