


This section has the list of all employees by name, employee number, last login, language, roles, store group if applicable and for the customer view (if created by the user logged in) a delete button. The list can be filtered by role. For Support only it can be filtered by enabled and disabled users. All in the staff list with an * is a main contact.

To create a new staff file select New and input the employee info. The Employee Number is the number that they use to log into Front of House. If no email is entered, a generic email will be populated.

If the employee is going to have the ability to approve and override, their cell number can be entered with the provider and they can receive remote authorization notification via text. The setting for what they are alerted with is in the Alerts button. The password button gives Support the ability to change someone’s password, but we do not do that.

The Staff Card button allows for a card to be assigned to the employee by entering the number of the card in the field. Under the employee info is the dropdown menu to add the roles to the employee. Under that, Support can add specific permissions to the employee though this is usually done for their role.

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