


Roles are job titles. They house the permissions that allow the employee to do or not do different things. The permissions are broken up by FOH and BO and are what allows each employee to do anything in the system. This section lists all of the roles, description, groups, last updated and Delete. To create a new role, which is something the customer and Support can do, select new:

  • Input the name and description

  • Input tip weight for tip pooling

  • Input hourly wages

  • Job Title check box which will pull hourly wages from the role instead of the staff file, organize reporting, cause someone with multiple roles that are Job Titles to pick one when they have clocked in so the system knows which permissions to assign and automatically choose the Job Title role to clock in if they have more than one role, but only one that has a Job Title. If the employee has roles with no Job Title, when they log in, all permissions for all roles will be available to them.

  • Wait staff check box will allow things like transferring orders that pull up staff lists but are only given to other wait staff to filter out the staff files that are not wait staff.

  • Use Staff Level Hourly Wages check box will override Job Title pulling the hourly wages from the role and instead pull it from the staff file. If this is checked, anyone with this role needs to have an amount in their staff file’s hourly wage field.

Inside an already existing role, there is a button labeled Staff that will show all of the staff that have that role assigned to them. All of these, both the customer and Support can see. The rest is only available for Support. Only Support has the ability to add permissions to roles. First Support has the ability to send an exact copy of a role from one customer to another. This will transfer the role and all of its permissions.

Next, Support can copy the exact permissions from any other role into the profile that is open. Then permissions can be added to the roles individually. All three of these are via dropdown menus. Under the dropdown menus is the list of permissions that are assigned to the role.

To remove the permission, select the big, blue “X” in front of the permission. In certain situations it is pointless to have similar roles. IE: Auditor and Back Office. Both roles can view everything in BO, but that is all an Auditor can do. If the employee is desired to have the ability to change things in BO, they only need have the Back Office role, not both.

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