Remote Printers

Remote Printers



This lists the network printers specifically. It lists them by Name, Description, and the status of all settings. Within the printer profile, there are things the customer can change: Name, description, and trailing blank lines. Support can change everything in the profile. The various ways to set up the printers with different functionality and add or delete recipes can be done by either both or just Support. These features include:
• Enabled: Support only. This tells us if the printer is active or not.
• Changes Only: Both. When an item is added to an order and sent to its assigned printer, the new items will be listed with (+1) indicating there are new items added to the order. When items are removed from the order and sent to their assigned printer, the item removed will say ‘void’ or ‘-1’ indicating that it is removed. Applying ‘New Items Only’ filter: When items are removed or added to an order and sent to their assigned printer, only new items are printed. This configuration is a store-wide setting.
• New Items (old items small font): Both. When items are removed, added, or adjusted in any way on an order it is sent to their assigned printer, the new items will be in a larger font and the old items in smaller font. Restaurants that typically use this method are Dine-in. This is a way for the kitchen staff to compare which items are voided (removed) from the order and which items were added to the order. ITEMS WILL BE LARGER FONT (Fine dining, more preparation needed, fewer items on ticket)
• Backups: Support Only. Printers can be assigned to be backups of other printers. If there is a broken printer, all the recipes designated to that printer will be routed to the backup printer once the broken one is turned off. The name of the original printer will be on the ticket. If there are no backup printers configured, the tickets will print locally on the receipt printer.
• Dependent: Support Only. If there are 2 printers assigned to print different recipes, we can set both to be dependent on each other. This feature will print the items to their respected printer and at the bottom of the ticket, a message will say, “Items with (name of the printer)” which will let the employee know that there are additional items printed to another printer that needs to be included with that order.
• Areas: Both. Any orders created on a terminal with an assigned area (physical location) will only print to the assigned printer. (Ex: If there is a terminal used strictly by servers and they create a drink order on this terminal, based on the physical location we set for this terminal, we can filter to it to print at the designated printer.
• Order Areas: Both. This filter will designate an item to be printed based on which area was selected in the order. If there is a terminal located at the bar and the employee creates an order in the main area of the table layout, depending on which printer is set to print orders in the main area only, the order will be sent to the printer assigned to that area in the table layout. **If an area is not listed
• Multi Recipes: Support Only. When this feature is selected, it will list all the recipes that you can either assign or reassign to the printer. It is only available for Support.
• Recipes: Both. When this feature is selected, it will list all the recipes already assigned to the printer and it gives you the option to delete from the printer.
• Order Types: Support Only. This will give you the ability to filter the printer based on the order being either ‘Dine-In’, ‘Take-Out’, ‘Delivery’, etc. If an order type does not show, then that particular order will not print.
• Kitchen Tickets: Support Only. The print mode may be changed in the BackOffice by selecting ‘Setup’ then on ‘Settings’. The maximum number of characters that can be printed on a thermal printer is [32]. For an impact printer, it is [42]. Based on the below setting, the characters setting for:
◦ Double Height: Kitchen [42], Thermal [32] characters.
◦ Double Width: Kitchen [21], Thermal [16] characters.
◦ Normal: Kitchen [42], Thermal [32] characters.
There are other settings that can only be changed by support:
• Headers can be modified from Dine-In to Take-Out, Tournament, Delivery, Drive-Thru, Pick-Up, Catering, Refund, Banquet, Room Service, Beverage Cart, and Online Everything. The color font can be changed if the printer supports it.
• Disable or Enable printing seat numbers to kitchen printers.
• Disable or Enable alphabetizing items sent to the printer.
• Disable or Enable: Show recipe description.
• Side recipes: Enable or Disable Sides will only be printed to their associated printer. Not print the side as the main item is optional. The reason is that some recipes can have default sides associated with them.
• Printing the (-) sign instead of the ‘void’ when an item has been removed from an order after it was sent to its assigned printer.
• Show the combo name of an item.
• Show absolute and relative quantities for combo items. Showing relative quantities of a  combo item entered multiple times within an order will display on the ticket the quantity of each item. (Ex. If there are 4 Burger combos added to an order and each combo includes fries and a drink, it will show on the kitchen ticket 1-Burger combo and underneath that 4- Fries and 4-Drinks.) Showing absolute quantities of a combo item entered multiple times within an order will list the quantity for each item separately within each combo. (Ex. If there are 4 Burger combos added to an order and each combo includes fries and a drink, it will show on the kitchen ticket 1-Burger combo and underneath that 1-Fries and 1-Drinks.
• By default, we should use 192.168.192.* IP addresses for remote printers. Obviously, the router needs to be configured accordingly. The reason for using that segment is that the default IP address for an Epson Ethernet printer is As a result, in an emergency situation where a printer loses its configuration and the router is set up for 192.168.192.*, we can simply reset it without having to remote in and reconfigure it.

Aggregate Items: Print items grouped on one line.
• Aggregate printing: if the same item is sent multiple times to its printer, it will print the same item on each line.
• Separate printing: if the same item is sent multiple times to its printer, it will print the same item on each line.

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