This section lists all of the KVDs if the customer has any. Typically, they are used for quick service restaurants. Inside the KVD profile is the Name, Description, URL and settings. These settings are just like the printer settings of the same name. Note: Ordyx does not charge for provision or installation of KVD's.
KVD (Kitchen Video Display) This is a monitor, usually not a touchscreen, used for viewing orders sent from the terminal. Ordyx does offer touchscreen KVDs and does not need a physical bump bar. When a user creates an order and selects send on the terminal; the items are sent to its assigned kitchen display.
Owners have the option to use printers, a KVD, or both types at the same time. The most common place to operate KVD’s is Quick Service and Fast food establishments. Fine Dining services can also implement the use of KVDs. Generally, the size of the monitor is between 15 and 25 inches, however it may be larger.
•KVD Display mode: First In, First Out: When the first order is created and sent to the kitchen display, it will be the first order out once the kitchen finishes preparing the item (meal). If the user selects recall, it will bring the order to left with a different color.
•Kitchen Display Settings: Bump Bar-this device operates as a way to move (bump) the item from the screen. By hitting the escape key on the bump bar, there are other options that the user are able to perform:
Order Level: By selecting Esc on the bump bar at this level, it will open up a menu that offers the following
•View: This section allows the user to change the amount of rows and columns that can be viewed on the screen at once.
•Orders: This section allows the user to jump from to the top or bottom of the list of orders as well as recall orders.
•Navigation: This section allows the user to move to the previous or next order from the one that they are on. This can also be done by using the arrow buttons on the bump bar.
•System Status: This section shows the network devices that are on the same network. They will show green if the KVD can communicate with it and red if it cannot.
•Close: This will close the menu. So will selecting Esc again.
•Exit: This will exit the program.
•Item Level: When the arrow keys are used to move the blue bar into an order and the user selects the enter key on the bump bar, a menu also appears there. It offers:
•Recipe: View the recipe description.
•86: Change the availability the item to 0
•Close: Close the menu. This can also be done by selecting Esc
The screen will also show stats; how many orders to the right/left and how many orders were bumped.