The Sacoa integration allows stores with game spots or arcades to activate, reload and manage game cards directly through Ordyx. This integration requires certain credentials from Sacoa. It is important to understand that OrdyxOne will only reflect what has been set up in Sacoa BOH, we do not control any information such as administrative tools or products.
**Items Tax Exempt (only if Sacoa items will be exempt)
Once obtained, the development will enter the information in Marketplace and activate the integration.
-Online Ordering RestAPI needs to be enabled.
-Sacoa needs to be active on our end and enabled by development.
-We need to send to Sacoa team the following information:
Host URL: Login Username: Store ID Password: Token from OLO API Integrator Token: Token from Sacoa on the market place
Kiosk ID's: when the customer uses Kiosk at the location. To have the ID, first, create a customer on BOH, and on the URL you will find the customer ID that needs to be sent.