Rfid Readers Set Up

Rfid Readers Set Up

Rfid Readers Set Up

When the device is connected to the terminal a blue light will blink for a second and turns red.
The light keeps on red and only changes to blue or green when we swipe the card to activate it.
All update needs to be done under the administrator account of the terminal.
The reader provider needs to make sure that the firmware is up to date, if it is not, the provider needs to send the driver to do so.
In Back Office go to Set up>Terminals (changes need to be made per terminal)>Settings>Rfid Reader> Connection Type set as COM> URL use the COM number and the Baud Rate as 115200. 

The same COM number and Baud Rate needs to be added on the Sacoa side.
The readers are connected through virtual USB and the COM can be found under Devices Manager.

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