Ordyx Network Configuration

Ordyx Network Configuration


Ordyx Network configuration

In order for terminals to communicate effectively, the proper network setup has to be implemented. All network devices (computers, printers, handhelds, etc…) must be on the same network. This is essential for the sharing of information.


Below is an example of a network and its devices. (Topology)


The Router is responsible for handling the addressing of the local area network (LAN). If a merchant replaces their router, or decides to implement one, certain measures must be taken by support to ensure that the devices can still properly communicate. Routers have an IP address. This address is known as the gateway. It is what all of the devices on the network look to when attempting to resolve their IP address. There are 2 methods of resolving an IP address…

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) – When a device is using this method for resolving its IP address, It is randomly assigned an IP address on the routers network segment based on what the specified DHCP range is. This range is setup in the routers interface and can be changed. Terminals and handhelds will mainly use this method to resolve their IP address.

Static – A static IP address is assigned to the device within its own interface and will not change unless it is done so manually. On a network, devices that run this protocol are always printers, and in some rare cases, computers will be set to use this method.

Ordyx sets the computers to resolve their IP address using DHCP and sets the printers up with static IP addresses. Below are the steps a support technician will take to configure the network if a router is ever changed out or implemented…

What is an IP address? An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g., computer, printer) participating in a computer network that uses the internet protocol for communication. An IP address serves two principal functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing. Its role has been characterized as follows: "A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A route indicates how to get there.

Ordyx is mostly concerned about the third grouping of numbers within the IP address, which is the network segment. In an IP address, the first two groupings will usually never change. Usually they are 192.168. (This will be determined if they are using a router or if their machines are directly connected to the modem. Ordyx will never re-configure the modems IP address.)

The third grouping of numbers is known as the network segment. This number has to be the same on all computers and printers. The last grouping of numbers is the unique network address for that particular device and will be different on every device.

Ex: (To ensure all devices are on the same network, make sure the first 3 groupings of numbers are the same on each device. The last grouping of numbers will be unique.)


Configuring a Router

  1. Start a remote session on any of the terminals that are connected to the new router.

  2. Once connected, click on the start button in the bottom left hand corner of the screen.

  3. Click on Run.

  4. Type cmd in the text box.


  1. Hit the Enter key.

  1. A command prompt window will now open.



  1. At the prompt, type the command ipconfig.


  • Notice the output in the image above. The IPv4 address is the computer's IP address. (This can also be found at the top of the system status window in Ordyx).

  • Disregard the subnet mask.

  • The default gateway is the routers IP address. This is the information you will need. Note the IP address for the next step.

  1. Open a web browser.

  2. In the address bar, type in the default gateway

  1. Hit the Enter Key.

  2. A security screen will now prompt you to enter a username and password. On most routers, by default, the username is admin and the password is password. If that is not the case, use any variation of that like enter admin for the username and leave password blank, etc…


Press okay and this will open the router configuration for you. The following information is what you will need to set up the router:


  1. Click on the Advanced Tab.


  1. Click on the setup drop down menu on the left side of the page.

  2. Click on LAN setup.


  1. Here is where you will make your changes. You can check to see what network the system used to be on by navigating to the setup tab of the customers back office. Click on the Printers option and click on any one of the printers. Check to see what IP address the printers are on to determine what segment to change the router to.

  2. In the IP address text boxes, change the third grouping of numbers to whatever network segment the printers are on.

  • Note: you can configure the DHCP ranges by selecting the starting IP and ending IP addresses. This should be configured from 100-253. In most cases, Ordyx address the printers with a .99 address and works its way down.

  1. Once all of the changes have been made to the router. Click the Apply button.

    • In most cases you will lose connection. Have the end user reboot every computer on the network. Once the machines are back up, verify that it has worked by checking system status.

There are multiple router manufacturers out there with many different interfaces but the idea is still the same. Get all the devices on the same network, and they will communicate.







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