Open Orders exist. Close all orders and try again

Open Orders exist. Close all orders and try again

When you are attempting to close the store and you receive the error message "Open orders exist, Close all orders and try again".

1. The first thing to check is whether you have "All" under areas and "All" under order types selected. These should both be set to all as it filters your results. The last Filter you should look at is "My orders" in the top right of the screen if this is selected and an order is on another user you will not be able to see the order.

2. If you are still unable to see the order customer service will need to:

A. Check back office for open orders by looking at today's orders by selecting the 'My Orders' tab then 'Today's',  one or more orders will not have a close date. 
B. Once open order(s) is found, provide customer with order ID so that they may reopen the order on the terminal by using a manager's login and selecting the re-open button on the order screen
C. Once order is reopened, have the customer add item to the order and send it using the send button. This will update the server and cause the open order to be seen by the system. 
D. After the order is updated, remove the item added in the step previously and close the order. 

For Support:

When customer has an order in back office but not on their terminal order list, the order needs to be removed from back office through the terminal, to do this do the following:

Verify there are no network issues with the terminals. All terminals/KVDs must be connected and communicating in order to remove the order. IF terminal/KVD was disabled then leave disabled.

Once communication is confirmed, choose the reopen option and locate the order that needs to be closed in back office from the list and open the order.

Once the order is open, you will need to verify the amount due. If zero close the order, if negative amount due add items to the order to equal the exact amount the negative is showing and simply close the order after you add the items, if no payment, you have the option to void items or enter a payment.

3. If the error message is still showing, Please Contact MOD for assistance.

If cant accomplish task, customer service will create a ticket for follow up, follow up between 8-9 pm can take 30 minutes all other calls not related to closing issues will be called on the next business day.

check Back Office. If you look at today's orders, 'My Orders' tab then 'Today's',  one or more orders will not have a close date. This order will need to be located and re-opened on the Terminal. Provide the customer the order id so they can reopen the order on the terminal. After the order is re-opened add an item to the order then send the order. This will update the server and cause the open order to be seen by the system. After the order is updated, remove the item added in the step previously and close the order. 

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