Not enough Funds (Public)

Not enough Funds (Public)

You receive the error "Not enough funds."

The reason you receive this message is because the cash drawer does not have enough funds in it to complete a user cashout or petty cash debit. 

If you had a large party and they left a tip/gratuity that was a large amount, say $950. That day the cash drawer was cashed in with $150 dollars and you've only taken 100$ in cash payments on the drawer. The drawer will not be able to cash out the user that received that tip/gratuity because it doesn't have enough funds available. Once you've credited that amount to the drawer, the drawer will reflect that it has enough money to cash out the user or complete the petty cash debit.

  • Go to Cash Management on the terminal
  • Cash Drawer
  • Petty Cash
  • Credit
  • Add the amount of money the drawer is short by to complete the user cashouts

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