Loyalty Settings

Loyalty Settings

This section is the settings that control the loyalty points. It is located under the Customers tab, and must be turned on in Customers->Settings. All of these settings are superseded by the “Loyalty Points Needed” in each recipe. The ways to configure loyalty points for a restaurant:

Price multiplier

This is the dollar value for every time a customer accumulates points on their card. The smaller the multiplier, the more money they need to spend for 1 point. The mathematical equation is the number of dollars the end customer spends x the Price Multiplier = 1 point. IE:

  • For every $1.00 spent, the multiplier is [1], they receive 1 point .
  • For every $2.00 spent, the price multiplier needs to be set to [0.5], they receive 1 point.
  • For every $4.00 spent, the price multiplier needs to be set to [0.25], they receive 1 point.
  • For every $5.00 spent, the price multiplier needs to be set to [0.2], they receive 1 point.

The easiest way to figure this out is to take the number of dollars spent and divide one by it ( 1 point ÷ X Dollars spent = price multiplier).

Price Rounding Method

Round: Regular mathematical rounding, .49 is rounded down and anything above is rounded up. If $1 earns 1 point and a customer spends $1.39, they will get 1 point. If the customer spends $1.57, they will earn 2 points.

Floor: This method rounds everything down to the whole dollar. If $1 = 1 point and a customer spends $1.39 or $1.97 they will receive 1 point.

Ceiling: This method rounds everything up to the whole dollar. If $1 = 1 point and a customer spends $1.03 or $1.58, they will earn 2 points.

Points per Visit

For every customer visit, they receive a certain amount of points.

Visit minimum purchase

This will qualify the customer to receive the points per visit if they meet or exceed the value entered. (For example: If points per visit is set to 1 and the minimum purchase is set at $3.00, then in order to receive 1 point, the customer’s order needs to be $3.00 or more.)

Activation Points

The number of points earned when the end customer activates a loyalty account

Birthday Points

The number of points earned on an end customer's birthday

Account Anniversary Points

The number of points earned on them yearly anniversary that the end user signed up for loyalty

Partial Loyalty On Comp

This check box allows for loyalty points to be awarded to the non-comped amount of an order. It is default set up to not apply any loyalty to orders with comps.

Partial Loyalty Rounding method

Round: Regular mathematical rounding, .49 is rounded down and anything above is rounded up. If $1 earns 1 point and a customer spends $1.39, they will get 1 point. If the customer spends $1.57, they will earn 2 points.

Floor: This method rounds everything down to the whole dollar. If $1 = 1 point and a customer spends $1.39 or $1.97 they will receive 1 point.

Ceiling: This method rounds everything up to the whole dollar. If $1 = 1 point and a customer spends $1.03 or $1.58, they will earn 2 points.

Redemption Price Multiplier

This is the number of points that are needed to be multiplied by the value amount to redeem. Here, the larger the number, the less value each point has. IE:

•To redeem $20 x Redemption Price Multiplier [1], it costs 20 points

•To redeem $1 x RPM [1] , it costs 1 point

•To redeem $20 x RPM [5] , it costs 100 points

•To redeem $1 x RPM [5] , it costs 5 points Ordyx Confidential

•To redeem $20 x RPM [20], it costs 400 points

•To redeem $1 x RPM [20], it costs 20 points

•To redeem $20 x RPM [.5], it costs 10 points. This is giving money away!!!

The redeem value does not much matter here. It can be any amount. This just shows the user how to figure out the value of the RPM. To figure out how to convert a dollar value to per point, take that dollar value and divide it into 1. IE: for a point to be worth $0.05, the user would take 1 ÷ .05 and that = 20 and that is the RPM.

Redemption Price Rounding Method Round, Floor and Ceiling as above.

Points Expire After ‘X’ days: A customers’ points can expire after a certain amount of days if there is no activity within that period. The total points for a customer are fully removed once the deadline has passed. It’s either all or nothing.

Points Threshold Message

This is the level of points that the end customer has earned and will prompt the employee with a message to let the end customer know that they have earned that amount.

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