Purhcase Order

Purhcase Order

Purchase Order
Here is a list of all orders by vendor. It lists the PO (purchase order) number, an ingredients button that allows the user to add the ingredients needed for the order, the total cost, when it was ordered and when it is promised for.
This can be filtered down by vendor by using the drop down menu above the list. If the user checks the received box next to the drop down menu and selects Search, a list of the orders received will come up. After the search button is the + to add new orders.
  1. ​Select the vendor from the dropdown menu
  2. Input the PO number and description
  3. Input the different charges
  4. Input the tracking data dates
  5. Select save and then the other buttons are usable
  6. Ingredients are able to be added
  7. The details are printable
  8. The PO now becomes receivable

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