The goods and materials available in stock.
Tracked: makes it so every time an order is placed for something with that ingredient in it, the ingredient is decremented by the amount used in the items.
Monitored: function looks at all ingredients and calculates how many items it can make based on the lowest number of ingredients available for that item based on the amount used in each order
Par Level: what you expect to have in stock at all times, and is color coded based on levels. It will give you alerts within Ordyx when you have reached the par level. The different amounts in the drop down menu are dictated by whichever Inventory type was chosen.
Yield: is the amount leftover after waste (ie peeling potatoes) has been accounted for. 100% - waste = yield %
In Stock: the customer’s current level at input and what that stock is part of. The amounts will be determined by the previous selection of weight, volume or part.
Select accordingly, Kilos, Pounds, and Ounces etc.
Unit Price: is the amount that the customer pays for the entire amount that they deduct from.
Vendor: choices are created in the Vendor section of Inventory.
Reconciled On: will inform when the stock was last updated.
Once an ingredient has been created, certain things cannot be changed inside the
ingredient: the inventory type, in stock amount and cost. These things have to be changed in Reconcile.