


The goods and materials available in stock.
Here the user can create Ingredients which most are predefined and detailed by group. There is a drop down menu containing the different ingredient groups: All, Dairy, Produce, Meat and Poultry, Seafood, Paper Goods, Dry Goods, Wine, Beer, Liquor and Bakery.
To add a new ingredient group, select Categories. Put the name of the category, a description if desired and select add.
To add a new Ingredient select +. Here the user can name the Ingredient, give it a description and categorize it by WeightVolume and Parts.
Tracked: makes it so every time an order is placed for something with that ingredient in it, the ingredient is decremented by the amount used in the item.
Monitored: function looks at all ingredients and calculates how many items it can make based on the lowest number of ingredients available for that item based on the amount used in each order
Par Level: what you expect to have in stock at all times, and is color coded based on levels. It will give you alerts within Ordyx when you have reached the par level. The different amounts in the drop down menu are dictated by whichever Inventory type was chosen.
Yield: is the amount leftover after waste (ie peeling potatoes) has been accounted for. 100% - waste = yield %
In Stock: the customer’s current level at input and what that stock is part of. The amounts will be determined by the previous selection of weightvolume or part.
Select accordingly, Kilos, Pounds, and Ounces etc.
Unit Price: is the amount that the customer pays for the entire amount that they deduct from.
Vendor: choices are created in the Vendor section of Inventory.
Reconciled On: will inform when the stock was last updated.
Once an ingredient has been created, certain things cannot be changed inside the
ingredient: the inventory type, in stock amount and cost. These things have to be changed in Reconcile.


Here there is the list of vendors by name. The user sees: NameAccountWebsiteContact PersonPhone Number and a Reorder button. The Reorder button pulls up a report listing the previous order from that vendor.
Select to add a Vendor. Input all necessary information then select Save. Once the user selects save, they can then assign a Catalog. This is where the user assigns the ingredients to the vendor. The ingredients are in the drop down menu and input the other info, then select Add.

Purhcase Order

Purchase Order
Here is a list of all orders by vendor. It lists the PO (purchase order) number, an ingredients button that allows the user to add the ingredients needed for the order, the total cost, when it was ordered and when it is promised for.
This can be filtered down by vendor by using the drop down menu above the list. If the user checks the received box next to the drop down menu and selects Search, a list of the orders received will come up. After the search button is the + to add new orders.
1. Select the vendor in the dropdown menu
2. Input the PO number, description
3. First column is for the different charges
4. Second column is tracking data dates.
5. Then select save and other buttons are usable
6. Ingredients are able to be added
7. The details are printable
8. Order becomes receivable and reconciles Inventory counts automatically.


This is used when the user wants to adjust on hand inventory count. It lists all the ingredients that are tracked in inventory, organized by name of ingredient, ingredient group if dropdown menu up top is used, shows the amount available, the open field to enter amounts and their type and the yield percentage.
There are colors to indicate the ingredient’s Par Levels. Red is for at or below par; yellow for 25% to par. To reconcile the ingredients enter the amount the user want to change, not what the amount should be, choose the amount type and select

Ingredient Count

The ingredient count section takes manual barcode entry to check the counts of the ingredients in stock.


Shrink is used to deplete your ingredients based on usage other then sale in items. Some examples of shrink: Expired, Spilled, Breakage, etc...
To add reasons for shrink, select Reasons, input the name, and description and select Add. The list gives the user the ability to pull up specific ingredient groups or to keep the list of all ingredients alphabetically the open field for the amount and they type, a drop down containing all the reasons for it and an area for comments.
To add shrink, fill in all the fields and then select Save.


Receive can be done by purchase orders or individual ingredients. Purchase orders that were created can be seen as orders that are pending. This can be filtered by vendor. To receive one of these orders, just check the box of the order that is desired and select the receive button. This will also automatically reconcile the inventory counts.
Partial orders or individual ingredients can be received. The user can filter it by ingredient type, vendor and whether or not you want their catalog of ingredients and select “List”. Enter in an amount; it must be a full amount, not a decimal or percentage. Enter the details of the ingredient and select “Receive” at the bottom of the list.


The inventory area is used for maintaining ingredient counts. For example, you have two orange juices for sale in the store, and another 50 in the back refrigerator. Seperating the areas allows you to know how much is where as well as the overall count for your items.


Shows the user a series of reports having to do with the details of Inventory.
The reports available are: On HandIn TransitQuantity ChangesInventory LevelsPrice HistoryCurrent Item CostAge86/Availabilityand Reorder. Some reports can have custom dates or batch info selected and some cannot and are general overviews.

Custom Units

Custom units can be entered for your inventory. This can be useful when you have different vendors for the same item. One vendor might use a case of 50 single items whereas the other vendor uses a case of 5, 10 item units.

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