Staff is the employees that work at the restaurant or store. Their roles and permissions are based on the job that they have with the restaurant/store. The owner/general manager will choose what staff members are assigned to what roles after the roles are created. They will also choose what permissions each role will be granted and then support can add them as requested.
(Located in Staff section of Cafe Central)
:This is numerical order of each discount.
First Name: This is the First name that has been given to each staff
Last Name: This is the Last name that has been given to each staff.
Employee number: This is employee number for each staff.
Language: This is language for each staff.
Wages: This is Annual or Hourly wage for each staff.
Roles: This is the roles assigned for each staff.
Store Groups: This is assigned store group for each staff.
Last Login: This is date and time of last login for each staff
MAIN__Restaurant's staff
Dropbox: This is to select a single role or all, then select the refresh button to display.
Enabled box: This is to checkmark enabled staff, then select the refresh button to display.
Disabled box:This is to checkmark disabled staff,then select the refresh button to display.
Refresh button: This is to refresh after selecting the dropbox, enabled uses,and/or disabled users.
PLUS(+) New staff
First Name: This is to enter the first name.
Last Name: This is to enter the last name.
Email: This is to enter an email address;
Tip weight: This is to enter tip weight
Employee number: This is to enter employee number; 0123
Wages: This is to enter dollar amount and select hourly/annually
Max comp: This is to enter the max complimentary amount
Language: This is to select the language
Description: This is to enter the description
Address: This is to enter the address
City: This is to enter the city
State: This is to enter the state
Zip: this is to enter zip code
Phone numbers;
Main: This is to enter Main phone number
Cell: This is to enter cell phone number
SMS Cell#: This is to enter texting phone number and select provider
Paychex id: This is to enter Paychex ID
Date hired: This is to enter/select date hired
Date Terminated:This is to enter/select date terminated.
Set default page to enterprise dashboard box: This is to check mark to set default page to enterprise dashboard
Main contact box: This is to checkmark user to be a main contact for the restaurant. Also, will see asterisks(*) by first and last name of staff page.
Updated: This is date and time of any changes.
Last login: This is the date and time of the last login.
Params: (Used by Development)
Password: This is to enter and change current password
User Card: This is to enter Track data
Alerts: This is to enter/select Email and texting cell phone number w/provider in each alert frame. Also, select save after entering information into ONE frame of an alert and its check marked. You will receive an activation email sent to your entered email. After activating an alert, You will see that frame turn from RED to GREEN for that is enabled. To disable, simply uncheck the box for each frame.
Save: This is to save any changes made.
ROLES_: This is the section to assign roles.
dropbox: This is to select each role.
ADD button : This is to add the selected role in the drop box
red trash button: This is to delete the role.
box: This is to add permission to user.