How to enter a deposit from the terminal (FOH)

How to enter a deposit from the terminal (FOH)

Deposit FOH

-First login into the terminal using your code and select Deposits.

-If you are entering a deposit for a new customer, select activate. You must enter a customer number and an amount, reference for a note is optional, hit ok. Next, click pay, it will take you to the pay now screen to complete the deposit. User must have permission for FOH CUSTOMER SETUP to the necessary FOH role.

If you are adding a balance to an existing customer, select add balance. When you select a customer, you can search by phone, name, number, and email. After finding and selecting the customer, press ok then add the balance amount, press ok when done. Next, click Pay, it will take you to the pay now screen to complete the deposit.

-Checking the balance, will search an existing customer account's balance. Also, the transfer balance is to transfer an amount from the existing customer account to another.

Card Track Search Method - Search by Track 1,2 or 3 Located under customer/settings

FOH CUSTOMER ACCOUNT SET BILLABLE - Customer account is set to billable
FOH CUSTOMER ACCOUNT SET TRACK INFO - Input the track info for a customer.
FOH CUSTOMER SETUP - Create a customer on the terminal.
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