Gratuity Settings

Gratuity Settings

Gratuity Setup

Gratuity must be enabled by support. 

Once enabled the ability to set gratuity will become available to be setup by the customer. Customer will have the ability to set gratuity by seats, percentage or dollar amount as shown below. 

The blue items can not be adjusted by the customer and support would need to update those settings. 

Applying Gratuity

Gratuity can be applied in 3 locations from the terminal. 
Pay Screen - If option for gratuity is enabled you will see a section here to adjust gratuity labeled 'Gratuity'

Tip Adjustment Screen - There will be a section available to adjust gratuity here labeled 'Gratuity'

Order Property Screen - There is a section here labeled 'Gratuity' in which you can adjust the gratuity for an order. 


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