How to create Future Orders

How to create Future Orders

Future Orders

-First log into the terminal by entering your code and selecting Quick sale.

-Next, select the items for the order then select the order name to assign a customer account or you can create one by entering at least a name & phone number then save. Now you will see the customer's name linked to the order name.

-Select the order name on the top left then at the bottom-middle. Select the Future Order Bullet point under Now & Today at, in requested. Then enter in the date, time and press Send when you're done.

-The customer can pay for the order the same day, day of pickup, or anytime in between. To see Future orders, a user would select the "Future Orders" tab on the main screen, select the order and pay. The orders with a checkmark next to the orders are paid already.

-Lastly, to close the future order, the user must select the order name at the top left then change requested: from Future order date to NOW. The close button will appear and the order can be closed. There is no permissions for Future orders but it is a store setting that has to enabled in the orders tab by MOD.

When paying for a future order using a credit card or cash, a deposit order under the customer's name is created in the background simultaneously and the payment is applied as Bill. If a tip will be added to the order, it must be done at the time of processing this initial payment. This is because a Bill payment cannot be tip adjusted afterwards. 
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