Error Message Unable to Process Settlement

Error Message Unable to Process Settlement

Error: "Unable to process settlement (service discovery failure) no usable url returned from service discovery. Error connecting to the vsx server"

This happens when a customer is having Internet issues that are preventing communication with the credit card processor. In order to resolve, customer can attempt the following:

1. Verify Internet connection by opening a browser.

2. If no Internet, power cycle the Internet modem and/or router.

3. Restart the terminal.

4. If still no internet connection, customer will need to consult IT person to reestablish internet.

Error: "Unable to process settlement service discovery failure exception during service discovery unable to create native thread

To fix this issue the customer will need to power cycle the network and restart the terminal they are in front of. The native thread issue happens when the terminal is running low on memory. 

Another settlement error: "Unable to process settlement, Content not allowed in prologue."

This can happen when there is an issue with the payment file. To solve this problem, development will have to void the reference file that was corrupted/empty. The customer can then reopen the order, add an item, send it, void the items on that order and then close the order. This will update the FOH terminal with Back Office. The errors described can be caused if the payment handler is restarted in the middle of processing a cc transaction on a different terminal or if the internet is interrupted during processing a payment. Please contact MOD for assistance. 


 Error: "Unable to process settlement, could not find information for transaction(####)

This can happen when there is an issue with the payment file. To solve this problem, development will have to void the transactions and ignore the reference files. Once done, the customer can then reopen the order, add an item, send it, void the items on that order and then close the order. This will update the FOH terminal with Back Office. The ticket needs to remain open so that we can contact the processor during business hours so that the customer can re-run those transactions. Please contact MOD for assistance. 

Error: " Unable to process transactions, Terminal Not Authorized to Process Transactions"
When a store calls in due to this error: Terminal Not Authorized to Process Transactions we must verify a few things to be able to assist in closing. This error message shows on a terminal screen when a store is attempting to close for the day. This message indicates that the payment handler terminal cannot verify the IP address of a specific terminal. 

We must check:

1. If store has a payment handler terminal
2. Has a VAR sheet in place
3. Has setting Ignore Security Signature enabled (Root>Miscellanious) Contact DOD to enable
4. Obtain current logs 

Logs will show like this:

 Error: " Unable to process settlement, please close payment terminal PT#"

When a customer calls in stating that they are receiving an alert in FOH stating Error: " Unable to process settlement, please close payment terminal PT#", this means that a particular EMV/PT/Chip Reader batch has not been closed. We need to confirm in Payments if that is the case and guide customer to close. 
To check, in BOH navigate to My Orders>Payments>current Batch. Locate the PT# indicated in the alert and confirm on the "Closed On" column that it has in fact not been closed. 
To close, in FOH navigate to Batch>EMV>Close (if only one PT is not closed). If ALL PT's have not been closed, we guide customer to select CLOSE ALL. 

If cant accomplish task, customer service will create a ticket for follow up, follow up between 8-9 pm can take 30 minutes all other calls not related to closing issues will be called on the next business day..

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