Error: Email Already Exist when trying to enter email on file. If this error is received it means the email you are using is associated with another user or another store. You can verify by using the lookup feature in back office. To get to the look up feature you need to access your tools in the tabs at the top of the page when you are successfully logged into back office. From there you will choose lookup and when the window appears, enter the email address in the email section of the lookup page and click the search button.
A list of stores and users will be populated below of any person associated with that email address. If the person associated with the email address in question is no longer affiliated with the store in your search results and has been disabled, you will need to call customer service to disassociate the email from the disabled staff member so that it may be used again. If your staff member is still affiliated with the listed store then that staff member would have to be added via enterprise tab to your store group in order to be able to use the same email for multiple stores. See article Enterprise for instructions on adding staff to store groups.