Custom Payment Type

Custom Payment Type

Protocol for the creation and use of this feature

With today's rapidly evolving restaurant industry, traditional modes of payment are being recreated allowing consumers more flexibility for accepting payments. Within Ordyx, users can set up a “custom payment type” to cater to services such as Delivery Dudes, Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc. Basically, it allows the customer to create an order and apply the payment at a later time. Some of the services mentioned above will pay a restaurant either at the end of a day, week or month. By setting up a Custom Payment Type, Ordyx is able to track these orders and when the payment is applied, they will balance.
In order to create a Custom Payment type, the user should have Back Office Access. If they do, we can direct them to select “Setup” then select “Custom Payment Type”. Once there, there will be a “+” directly below “Custom Payment Type.” Instruct the user to select the “+”. Then they can add the name of the service (Jimmy Johns, etc.) and they can add a description if they would like (Payment delivered 1 time per week... etc). Below the description box they will have several options they can add to the Payment Type according to their liking. For example, if they would like the Cash Drawer to open each time the Custom Payment Type is used, they can set that up. They can also allow for Ordyx to print a customer receipt, prompt them for a a receipt, remove the tip line and it allows for them to calculate an order before tax only. So with these options a user can modify the Custom Payment Type to fit the needs of their business.
How would you apply a custom payment type?
When an order is created and ready to be charged, the user would select “Pay” then they will see the payment screen giving them the option for credit, debit, check, etc. Below these options they will see the Custom Payment Type that they created in Back Office. For example, if they set up a Custom Payment Type for Uber Eats, under the credit and debit options they will see “Uber Eats.” If they want to use this type of payment, they would select “Uber Eats” and then select “process” at the bottom of the window. The system will either print a receipt if the user set that up or display the following message “Order paid in full. Would you like to close the order?” If the user wants to close the order, they would select “yes” and this would close their order allowing for payment at a later time as arranged by the store and the delivery service.
What permission is needed to apply a Custom Payment Type? (For Support)
If a user wants to create and close orders by Custom Payment Type, they would need a permission to do that. The permission is “FOH PAY OTHER.” once they have this permission added to their role, they will be able to place and satisfy orders that use a Custom Payment Type.

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