How to Close a Store

How to Close a Store

Question or Problem: A user attempts to close the store and receives error(s).

SolutionWhen closing the store most of the errors are self-explanatory. First question when a user calls is “what is the error, when they tried to close the store?” From there you will know what needs to be troubleshot. Here is a list of the most common errors when closing the store.

Close store order:

  1. Close all orders 
  2. Cash out all Users (Batch / Cash Management / Users / Select user and Cash out)
  3. Cash out all Cash Drawers (Batch / Cash Management / Cash Drawers / Select Cash Drawer and Cash out)
  4. Close Payment Terminals (Only if using EMV Chip Reader. Batch / Payment Terminals / Close or Close All)
  5. Close Store

Before trying anything check the basics:

Verify that all terminals are refreshing. If one or multiple terminals aren't refreshing, the user won't be able to close the store.

For Support: 

 1. Close all Orders: I.E “Error: Not all orders are closed.” but the customer doesn't see any open orders on the terminal.

Check terminals and verify that:
  1. Area is set to “All”
  2. My orders” are NOT selected
  3. Order type is set to “All”
If the user still doesn't see the order:
  1. Check on BOH: 
  2. My Orders 
  3. Today's 
  4. Click on “Date Closed” 
  5. All of the open orders will be listed on the top
Have the customer:
  1. Login on the terminal  
  2. Tools
  3. Re-Open  
  4. By ID  
  5. Give the user the Order IDs of the open orders  
  6. Hit Enter
Then the user should close the order via any method below:
  1. Close the order if the balance is $0.00 or there aren't any items on the order.
  2. Add a payment if there is an amount due or void all items and close the order.
  3. If a payment was applied and the amount due is negative: 
    1. Add an item 
    2. Change the price to match the amount due 
    3. Make the item tax exempt 
    4. Close the order
  4. If a payment was applied and the amount due is positive: 
    1. Remove an item or change price of an item to match the amount due
    2. Once amount due is $0.00 close the order.

Note: These are options, the user can close the order however they want.

In some special cases the user will get an error while tying to close an order. If this happens, search the error message in Zoho for possible solutions. If you can't find a solution contact MOD.

2. Cash out all Users (You can check Root in Back Office to see which users need to be cashed out, root looks like a spade): 
  • Error: Not Enough funds in cash drawer
    • Solution: Have the user petty cash credit the cash drawer for the amount the error message shows. This can be done by going to: 
      • Batch
      • Cash Management 
      • Cash Drawers 
      • Select the Cash Drawer 
      • Select Petty Cash 
      • Enter the amount 
      • Choose a type (Credit) 
      • Put a Note (Optional) 
      • Hit Credit.
  1. Error: Cash Drawer is not cashed in.
    1. Solution: Have the user cash in the cash drawer by going to:
      • Batch
      • Cash Management 
      • Cash drawers 
      • Select the Cash Drawer 
      • Cash In 
      • Put the amount in the cash drawer 
      • Click OK.
      • Have the customer try to cash out the user.

3. Cash out all Cash Drawers

  • Error: Cash Drawer is not cashed out please cash out and try again
    • Solution: Have the user go to:
      • Batch  
      • Cash Management 
      • Cash drawers 
      • Select the Cash Drawer 
      • Cash Out 
      • Click OK.

4. Close Payment Terminals(Only if using EMV) - Errors.
  • Error: Not found Code 100023
    • Solution: Force Close payment terminal by going to:
      • Admin
      • Payment Terminals
      • Force Close

5. Close Store - Errors

When you hit close store and there is an error, the system will let you know what is wrong. From time to time this is not the case like the errors that start “unable to process settlement” 99.98% of the time you need to contact MOD. (The other .02% is because the customer doesn't want to troubleshoot at the time)

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