Cash Management

Cash Management

Cash Management

On any POS terminal, this tool assists the user in managing and maintaining all cash.


On this screen is where the user is able to cash in the drawer by entering the quantity of the cash, not the value. (If there are 10 quarters, the user will enter the number 10 instead of $2.50). Once the user is finished cashing in the drawer, the user can proceed to create and process orders. The permission needed for this is *** FOH CASH IN CASH DRAWER’***. How to cash-in the cash drawer:

1.From the main screen, select ‘Cash Mgt’

2.Select ‘Cash Drawers’

3.Select ‘Cash In’.

4.A message will prompt: “Are you sure you want to cash in?” The user will select 'yes.'

5.From here the cash drawer will open and they enter the quantity for each denomination.

6.Once finished, they will close the cash drawer and proceed with the day. (The ‘Cash Mgt’ key is also available when the user selects ‘Admin’ from the main screen.)


The user that initially cashes in the drawer is automatically assigned to the cash drawer. Depending on the establishment, some only have one or two employees assigned to the cash drawer (ex. Denny’s, IHop, etc.). If the employee is not assigned to any cash drawer and the store's cash management is set to No Restrictions, all the users’ cash payments will go towards their bank. However, if the mode is set to Cash on drawer only, the user will either have to assign themselves to the cash drawer (if the user have that permission set) or ask a user that is already assigned, to give them access or process the cash payment. The user must have the permission added to their role in order to assign or deassign users to the cash drawer. The permission is ***FOH ASSIGN OTHERS TO CASH DRAWER*** and ***FOH DEASSIGN OTHERS FROM CASH DRAWER’***. How to assign/deassign cashiers to a cash drawer:

1.Select ‘Cash Drawers’

2.Select ‘Cashiers’

3.A new window will open displaying the users that are currently assigned to cash drawer and the date and time when the cash drawer was cashed in

4.At the bottom of the window, select ‘Assign’ to add an employee to use the cash drawer or select ‘Deassign’ to remove an employee from using the cash drawer

5.On the same window, if the user selects ‘Reports’, the user can view the cash-in breakdown of a cash drawer. (The ‘Cash Mgt’ key is also available when the user selects ‘Admin’ from the main screen)

6.The user can have multiple people assigned to the cash drawer. A terminal can have up to 2 cash drawers connected

Petty Cash Types

Debit and Credit: This element of cash management gives an employee access to the cash drawer for miscellaneous withdrawals or deposits that have nothing to do with order taking.


Taking money out. IE: Taking out cash to purchase milk and produce for the restaurant.

1.User selects petty cash

2.Enters an amount or if the user has any pre-defined types

3.User may enter a note which is optional

4.Selects ‘Debit’

5.This is obtaining the cash FROM the cash drawer


Putting money in. IE: Inserting the change received from purchasing the milk and produce for the restaurant. If the user received $10.00 change from purchasing the produce and milk, the user can enter it as credit.

1.When a user selects petty cash

2.Enters an amount or if the user has any pre-defined types

3.The user may enter a note which is optional

4.Select ‘Credit’

5.This is adding money TO the cash drawer

6.The permission called ***FOH APPLY PETTY CASH*** needs to be added to a role in order for a customer to use this feature

Interim Deposits

With this feature, a warning and threshold level may be set. When the cash drawer has reached its warning level, the system alerts the user to extract a certain amount of cash to continue cash payments in the cash drawer. Once the threshold level has been reached, Ordyx will prompt the user that there can be no more cash payments until cash has been removed from the cash drawer. How to make an Interim Deposit:

1.Select ‘Cash Drawers’

2.If there are more than one cash drawer connected, highlight the cash drawer

3.Select ‘Interim Deposit’

4.From here, the user will enter the amount and the user may enter a note which is optional

5.Select ‘Ok’ once finished

To process interim deposits, the user will need to have the permission added ***FOH MAKE INTERIM DEPOSIT’***


This feature lets the user view detailed information about the cash drawer only when it’s cashed in. This will include the cash in breakdown, all cash payments that were entered in the cash drawer, any interim deposits, and petty cash types. In order to view the cash drawer report, the permission ***FOH CASH OUT CASH DRAWER VIEW*** must be set for the user. If not, the system will prompt for proper authorization required.

Cash Out


User Cash Out summarizes the employees day based on sales, payments, tips, and gratuity. It describes the action where the server cashes out their bank and an amount is shown on the bottom of their cash out ticket indicating how much is owed or how much the user owes to the house (restaurant). The terms used are either “Due to Store” or “Due to User”. A positive amount means the user owes the house the cash indicated and a negative amount means the house owes them the cash. The permission to cash out themselves ***FOH CASH OUT USER***. To see and receive the report for the user cash out, use the permission ***FOH CASH OUT USER VIEW***. In order to be able to cash out other people, use the permission ***FOH CASH OUT OTHERS***. To perform this:

1. The user will select ‘Cash Mgt’

2. Select ‘Users’

3. Select ‘Cash Out’

4. A message will prompt, “Are you sure you want to cash out”.

5. Select Yes.

6. Once the server chooses yes, the server’s cash-out report is printed on the receipt printer. This report, it shows the total orders, total seats, gross sales, net sales, etc. At the bottom of the report, it will show the user the net cash due. Managers also have the choice to select more than one user to cash out at the same time. There are also two setting options for User Cash Outs.

Auto petty cash

When a user is cashed out, the money is automatically debited or credited from the cash drawer. The drawer will open and money will be taken out or put in the cash drawer. This is the recommended method for tracking cash. This method can only work on a terminal with a cash drawer.

Office Safe

Users will run their report and take their cash out receipt to the office in which the manager will receive the money or pay the server from the safe. The cash drawer is not affected by this method. This is the least accurate method because Ordyx has no way of verifying where the money went after the user is cashed out. Cash Drawer: This screen is where the user is able to cash out the drawer by entering the quantity of the cash, not the value. (From the example for cash in, if there are 10 quarters, the user will enter the number 10 instead of $2.50). ***FOH CASH OUT CASH DRAWER VIEW*** also gives the ability to see the details of the cash drawer cash out. Typically only managers have this ability for security reasons, but this does not stop those with the permission *** 'FOH CASH OUT CASH DRAWER’*** from cashing out. There is also a Back Office setting that can make it required that the counted total match the calculated total. In order to cash out the drawer:

1.Select ‘Cash Mgt’

2.Select ‘Cash Drawer’

3.Select ‘Cash Out’

CD cash outs can also be postponed. This is done in cases where one user is taking over a terminal from another and the till needs to be switched, but the authorized user does not have the time at the moment to count out the cash drawer. This is added by giving the permissions ***FOH CASHOUT CASH DRAWER POSTPONE and FOH CASHOUT POSTPONED CASH DRAWER*** to the roles that you would like to have this ability.

Tip Pooling

Tip pooling is the practice where employees chip in a portion of their tips to be divided amongst a group of employees who provide services to a patron. In Ordyx tip pooling is time based, meaning that the tip pool starts when the first person in the pool clocks in and ends when the last person clocks out.

To use tip pooling Development will activate it. From there the tip weight percentage (the percentage of the tip pool that person will receive) needs to be set for roles that will take part in the tip pool.

To cash out the tip pool all staff in the pool must be clocked out and then the user would go to Admin->Cash Management> Tip Pool-> Cash out tip pool. When the tip pool is cashed out there will be a printout from the local printer of how much each person will receive based on the tip weight set.

When a user that was part of the pool, clocks in as role that is not part of the pool, the person was unable to clock out until the pool was cashed out when that the current role had "USER REPORT TIPS" on.

This is because it forces the user cash out before allowing the user that reports tips to clock out. We now implemented an exception to that rule if that user used to be part of a pool that is still active. This way that user can now clock out and leave.

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